Who we are

Dancing To Eagle Spirit Society is a registered charity within the meaning of Revenue Canada "Income Tax Act section149(1)(f) and therefore qualify for tax exempt status.
We are dedicated to the healing and empowerment of aboriginal and non-aboriginal two-spirit individuals their friends and their allies. The society seeks to honor the dignity of the individual, building personal and community self esteem by providing emotional support and spiritual needs using traditional Native American ways and culture.
Below is a list of native spiritual practices available on a regular basis as well as by request.
- Two Spirit and friends Sweat Lodge ceremonies
- Regular monthly smudging circles with other organization
- Presentations/Traditional workshops upon request
- Drum making workshops, beading teachings, Native Crafts, rattle making workshop
- Annual Vision Quests/Spiritual fasts
- Our Elders frequently upon request lead or participate in Native Pipe Ceremonies for individuals and groups
- We use the Talking Circle to facilitate conflict resolution or mediate between people
- We gather the community to celebrate the changes of seasons
- Upon request, private group Sweat Lodge ceremonies